As a woman or a yoga teacher, you may have pondered the question of whether Can I Do Yoga During Periods is safe or beneficial. It’s a topic that has sparked numerous debates and opinions among practitioners and instructors alike. Understanding how yoga affects our bodies can help us navigate through the myths and realities surrounding this subject. So, let’s delve deeper into the matter.
As a yoga teacher, you may often encounter the question of whether it is acceptable to practice yoga during menstruation. Some students have been taught that certain yoga poses, especially inversions, are considered unhealthy and unsafe during this time, and should be strictly avoided. On the other hand, there are instructors who believe that performing inversions during menstruation poses no problem at all. Thus, there exists a division of views within the yoga community.
Yoga and Menstruation: A Cultural Stigma
Yoga and menstruation have long been intertwined with cultural stigmas. Cultural taboos and beliefs about menstruation have influenced people’s perspectives for generations. Traditionally, women were considered “unclean” during their menstrual cycles and were forbidden from engaging in social events or religious practices. Since yoga originated from a socio-cultural and religious background, it naturally became entangled with this stigma.

Why do certain yoga schools and traditions advise against practicing yoga during menstruation?
The division of opinions on this matter stems from a cultural stigma deeply rooted in India, the birthplace of yoga. In Indian culture, there is a prevalent belief that women undergo a cleansing process during menstruation and should refrain from participating in any spiritual practice. In earlier times, and even in some rural villages today, menstruating women were considered impure. They were not allowed to partake in prayers or religious activities, and entering a temple during menstruation was deemed sinful. In some cases, women were even asked to leave their homes and reside in huts outside the village for the duration of their menstrual cycles.
Hence, it becomes a logical conclusion, influenced by this cultural stigma, that women should not practice yoga during their periods. Remnants of this cultural view can be found in various yoga traditions. For instance, B.K.S. Iyengar’s school of yoga discourages inversions during menstruation. Similarly, in the Ashtanga Vinyasa School founded by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, women are encouraged to take a break from yoga practice during “moon days.” Numerous other yoga schools either firmly oppose or remain undecided about practicing during menstruation.
Yoga and Menstruation: A Health Perspective
However, when we look at yoga and menstruation from a health perspective, it becomes evident that yoga offers various benefits to our well-being. Deep breathing practices, meditation, and gentle yoga pose that focus on stability and flexibility can alleviate many common problems women experience during their monthly cycles, such as cramps, weakness, nausea, and emotional symptoms like anxiety, irritability, and pain.
Concentrated breathing and mindful movements that align the body enhance oxygenation throughout the system. With regular practice, yoga can improve menstrual health, providing relief and balance.
Menstrual Cycle Disturbances Affect Our Health
Disturbances in the menstrual cycle can indicate underlying health issues. Irregular periods, severe menstrual symptoms, or hormonal imbalances may pose risks to a woman’s overall well-being. Neglecting these signals could lead to complications or diseases later on. Conditions such as iron-deficiency anemia, exacerbation of existing diseases, mood disorders, infertility, or an increased risk of diabetes can all be associated with menstrual irregularities.
If frequent irregularities occur, it is crucial to seek medical attention and avoid strenuous exercises. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional if your periods are infrequent, irregular, excessively heavy, or accompanied by severe cramps or other concerning symptoms.
But is practicing yoga during the menstrual cycle a health risk? Although the stigma of impurity surrounding menstruation has diminished to some extent due to Western influence on yoga, it still lingers. Many yoga classes and teacher training programs advise students that while light and Yin-inspired yoga poses are acceptable, they should avoid intense practices and inversions. Students are cautioned that vigorous practices, including advanced poses and inversions, might impede the cleansing process and harm their health.
A common myth in the yoga community is that inversions can trigger endometriosis by causing retrograde menstruation. The belief is that gravity, during inversions, pulls menstrual flow away from the vagina and towards the Fallopian tubes, increasing the risk of retrograde menstruation and subsequently, endometriosis. However, medical research and experts have debunked this myth. Retrograde menstruation occurs in the majority of women during their periods, yet only a small percentage develop endometriosis. Furthermore, the flow of menstrual blood is primarily regulated by uterine contractions, not the body’s orientation to gravity.
So, is it safe to practice inversions during menstruation?
As with any yoga practice, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Many women experience physical discomfort and tenderness in their lower backs and bellies during menstruation. Some may feel dizziness, nausea, mood swings, or a decrease in energy levels. If you experience these mild symptoms, it may be wise to modify your practice and avoid inversions and intense exercises. Remember, yoga should make you feel better, not worse.
However, it is important to acknowledge that menstruation is a natural physiological process, and engaging in yoga or physical activities during this time is not only safe but also recommended. Regular yoga practice can help women feel more comfortable during their menstrual cycles, alleviate cramps, regulate irregular periods, and improve overall physical and mental health.
Yoga offers a multitude of benefits during menstruation:-
- It promotes hormonal health
- Reduces the impact of hormones on mood
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Combats fatigue and depression, and enhances sleep quality.
By incorporating yoga into your daily routine, you can experience an overall improvement in your quality of life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. Can I do inversions or intense yoga poses during periods?
It is generally advisable to avoid intense yoga poses or inversions during periods, as they can disrupt the natural downward flow of energy. Instead, focus on gentle and restorative poses that promote relaxation and comfort.
2. Is it safe to practice yoga during heavy flow days?
It is safe to practice yoga during heavy flow days; however, it is essential to listen to your body’s signals. Opt for gentle movements, modify poses as needed, and use props for support. Allow yourself to rest and honor your body’s needs.
3. Should I practice inverted poses during periods to reduce bloating?
While inverted poses may help reduce bloating, it is generally recommended to avoid them during periods. Instead, opt for gentle twists and forward bends, which can also aid in relieving bloating and promoting digestive health.
4. Are there specific yoga poses that can relieve menstrual cramps?
Yes, certain yoga poses can help alleviate menstrual cramps. Poses like Supine Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), and Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) can provide relief by gently stretching and massaging the pelvic area.
5. Can pranayama (breathing exercises) help with mood swings during periods?
Yes, pranayama practices, such as Deep Belly Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing) and Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana), can help regulate emotions, reduce mood swings, and promote a sense of calm and balance.
6. Should I inform my yoga instructor about my menstrual cycle?
It is always beneficial to inform your yoga instructor about your menstrual cycle, especially if you are attending a group class. They can provide modifications and offer guidance specific to your needs, ensuring safe and supportive practice.
In conclusion, while cultural stigmas and differing opinions persist, it is crucial to prioritize your well-being and listen to your body. If you feel comfortable and do not have any underlying medical conditions like endometriosis, you can certainly practice yoga during menstruation, including inversions.
Embrace the benefits that yoga can provide during this time, and remember to adapt your practice according to your own needs and comfort level. Let yoga be a source of support and empowerment throughout your menstrual cycle journey.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.